
Thursday, July 30, 2020

Hurumanu 1 Gold Rush (Bright Fine)

    Hello, Salam 

   and Hola


Welcome back Today I will be sharing more about what I have done I have done some work on my past I have made a mindmap

Here is what I have to done 



 Bye have a nice day, Stay safe 


Monday, July 27, 2020

Six Photographs

     Hello, Salam 

   and Hola


Welcome back Today I will be sharing more about what I have done I have done some work on my past I have made an animation with a friend for mine  


 Bye have a nice day, Stay safe 


Friday, July 24, 2020

Growth Mindset

                                 Hello, Salam 

   and Hola


Welcome back Today I will be sharing more about what I have done I have done how to have a growth mindsets

Here are some examples of how to have a growth mindset 

I’m not good at this 

How do you change this to have a growth mindset 

Well to have a growth mindset think of What am I missing?

Here is another example of how to think with a growth mindset 

I give up! Instead, think of I can do this!

My last example is This is too hard, Instead think of Let’s try

 Bye have a nice day, Stay safe