
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Reading activity

Kia ora, Nnọọ and 
Dia dhuit

 Today I have done A reading activity
I have listened to a book and I was told to make a new cover for this book 
The original cover looked like this 
And the new Cover that I made looks like this 
   But anyways I hope you enjoy it. And stay safe!! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A little about Mathletics

Hello, Guten tag and 
Nǐn hǎo

Today I would like to share to you s fun learning site of maths most of
you might know this website it is called mathletics. Mathletics is easy and fun
to use. I have been doing some of my mathletics in this pandemic as it is
helping me with maths and it’s teaching me at home. I do recommend it to
anyone that does not use it 
Here is a direct link to the web site Mathletics
You will need a login to mathletics 

   But anyways I hope you enjoy it. And stay safe!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Kia ora, Bonjour and 

Today I have done some work on ANZAC because ANZAC is coming closer a
nd closer every day now it is 4 days to then   But anyways I hope you enjoy it.
And stay safe!! 

NZ School Journal Level 2 August 2018
In Memory
1)  What is a war memorial? Why were they built?
A war memorial is a place for a gathering of your community or local area 
Why were they so you could remember the heroes from past  

2)  Who does a war memorial or monument represent? Why is it important to
remember them?
Who does a war memorial or monument represent? Well is represents a
special place to remember those who fought in the war.
It is important that we remember them because they risked there lives for

3)  Imagine you were a soldier who passed away in the war, how would you feel
knowing that memorials were made to celebrate your life? Why?
Well if my life was celebrated I probably feel loved and cared for. Overall it
would be a great feeling and I won’t feel like my death was wasted.

4)  Design your own monument or memorial. What would it look like? Use
Google Drawings.
Insert a copy of your drawing here:
It’s not the best but it does have the shape of some

NZ School Journal Level 2 June 2014
First World War Mascots
1)  Create 5 True/False questions about the article for your friends to
answer.  Is it true that animals were used in the war (this is true)
Is it false that there were mascots 
(this is false they did have mascots) 
Is it true that the donkeys get paid
(this is true the donkeys get paid)
Is it false that they had a bulldog on the sailers ship (this is false they did
have a bulldog on the ship) 

2)  What is a mascot? What were they used for in the war? What types did
the ANZACs have?
It’s a thing that is supposed to bring good luck, They were used to make the
soldiers happy and keeps them in a good mood. They used animals as there

3)  Who was ‘Perilous Jack’? What is his story?
Perilous Jack was a bulldog named after a famous dolphin. His story there
were two the first one feel down a hole and then they got another bulldog
and named it Perilous jack as well this dog barked at the gunshots as many
people died Perilous Jack  survived now you can see his silver collars in two
different museums  

4)  What mascot were you most surprised to learn about? What type of
the mascot would you want to have?
There were a few things I was surprised about when learning about the
mascots one was that they had mascots two was that they were animals. I
would have liked to have a monkey as my mascot I really don’t know why I
just feel that a monkey would be a good mascot. 

Ready to Read Audiobook
Dawn Parade
1)  What is a dawn parade? What is special about it? 
A dawn parade is another celebration for the people we lost in the war.
What is so special about a dawn parade  Each year, hundreds of thousands of
New Zealanders attend Anzac Day dawn services in cities and towns across
the country. ... The service is considered a fitting tribute to the thousands
who died in combat, and as well as services at home.

2)  What did Leo see and hear at the parade? Who was there? 
 Leo saw many people and the major he heard silence and people singing  
The major was there.

3)   What is the ‘Last Post’? What did it sound like? (You may need to
research this question)
The last post is a song that was played. What does it sound like? It is just a
trumpet being blown.

4)  Have you ever been to an ANZAC memorial celebration? What did you
From what I remember I have not been to an ANZAC memorial. 

Hope you enjoyed 
And again stay safe 

Monday, April 20, 2020

My Top Ten Pets

Hello, Hola and Hej

Today I have done My top ten pets, It was a little bit hard to choose out of
the many pets you can have there were some that I didn’t even know you
could have as a pet like wolves I thought they were just left to be wild.  
But anyways I hope you enjoy it. And stay safe!! 

10- Dog (Why a dog you may ask well this is because dogs can do a lot
of things like guard you house, be there when your sad, look after you etc)   

9- Fish (You might also ask why have you put fish so high up on the list this
is because they are small and easy to take care of they do make a mess) 

8- Cats (you may ask why have you not put cats up higher on the list well I
find that cats like to give you little presents every now and then with isn’t
very good to be having those around the house if not wanted but cat are
pretty great other than the presents they like to give you)

7- Rabbits ( don’t get me wrong rabbits are cute and all but they are pretty
hard to maintain you need a backyard for this and most houses now have a
really really small backyard or no backyard at all so they are hard to have and
even if you do have a back yard you have to have it fenced off or by a big
cage of them to stay in but otherwise, they are pretty good)
6- Birds ( Birds are pretty easy to have but they can be a bit of a pain
sometimes they are lower on the list mostly because I don’t really like birds
but they only really need to be feed and a cage it isn’t too bad)

5- Turtles ( I do really like turtles their fun to have but can be a lot of work
sometimes like cleaning out there tank can be quite hard but feeding them
from past experiences feeding them live fish is pretty good but also having
the flaky bits for them is what you want to feed the most.
4- Chickens (As I said before I don’t really like birds but chickens are a good
pet to have if your family likes or uses a lot of eggs but they do like to eat all
the grass in there pen type thing so if you are looking for a neat pet chickens
are not the way to go they make a little bit of a mess but feeding them scraps
and mowed grass is okay)

3- Butterflies (these are not commonly known for being a pet but I do like
butterflies I just don’t think of them as a pet I more think of them not being
pets) ( if you do own a butterfly that’s cool but
just don’t think of them as a pet)

2- Pigs (Well pigs are great little things but they make a huge mess and there
not really for people living in cities and that’s most places but I do think
piglets are cute but not
many people have them because is mostly cites but if you do own one that
really cool)

1- The lowest would have to be Rat or mice ( if you own one of the good for
you but I really don’t like them I may have a fear of them they are gross but
if like them that’s okay but I just don’t there isn’t much to say about them
because I don’t know much about them but yeah) 
Hope you enjoyed 

And again stay safe 

Friday, April 17, 2020

Creative Writing

Creative Writing 

Privet Welcome back today I have done creative writing about this picture  
. Hope you enjoy it. And stay safe!! 

This is the picture I used 
Image result for creative writing picture prompts

How did I get here I asked myself.  Just before I was in bed dreaming of
you know what this place is kinda cool. Should I go explore? I walk off into the
bush 10 minutes later I stumble into what looks like an abandon school bus.
Wonder how it got here?
They could have been on a school trip or the driver lost control or maybe it was
a home of some kind. It seemed to have empty cans such as beans and other
types of food. It was getting pretty late the sun was going behind the mammoth
-like trees and the moon rising from behind me. As I slowly creep into the dull
school bus I find a place to rest of the night. Morning has finally come I decided
to look around for any full cans because going without food for this long I am
starting to get a fear bit hungry. As I did not find any food I decided to leave the
bus and explore for some sort of food like a tree or a plant that was edible.
Luckily I took those girl scout lesson those so many years ago. At last, I have
found a few fruit tree but this will not last very long as I have almost eaten half
of that food supply this will only last me one more meal.
I will rest here for the night. The has dawned and it seems that there are fewer
trees as I move forward I see houses I find a town I recognise this town. It was
my house. “Lilly, Lilly” some was calling my name I woke up it was all a dream. 
Hope you enjoyed 

And again stay safe 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

My Poetic Writing

My Poetic Writing 

Ciao I have done some poetic writing about what I have done in the break.
Hope you enjoy it. And stay safe!! 

During the Holidays I liked video calling my friends
During the Holidays I found a rock 
During the Holidays I decided to make apple crumble
During the Holidays I disliked being alone 
During the Holidays I helped make food
During the Holidays I made food
During the Holidays I stayed inside 
During the holidays I played board games 
During the Holidays I loved having time to relax 
During the Holidays I hated when We got put into lockdown 
During the Holidays I dreamt of being with my friends 
During the Holidays I remembered 
During the Holidays I spoke to my friends on a video call 
During the Holidays I set plans of 2021 
During the Holidays I ate chocolate 
During the Holidays I drank water 
During the Holidays I watched Youtube 
During the Holidays I stopped Seeing people 
During the Holidays I took so time to my self 
During the Holidays I imagined being with my friends

Hope you enjoyed 

And again stay safe 

My Reflection on our 7/8 Graduate profile and 5 ways of well being

My Reflection on our ⅞  Graduate profile and 5 ways of wellbeing 

Kia ora so as most of you know we are all on lockdown so we have been told to work from home and to complete my work I must make a blog post on the school work I have done at school before lockdown it is a reflection on Our ⅞ graduate profile and the 5 ways of wellbeing. Hope you enjoy it. And stay safe!! 

My Reflection

Connect how is it linked to our graduate profile? Connect is linked by all five different heading People smart, Active learner, learning smart, Thinking smart and cyber smart. How are they all connected? 
Connect is connect by these on the graduate profile, I listen to understand peoples Idea and opinions, I can give useful feedback to others etc.

Be active how is it linked to our graduate profile? Be active is linked by active learner. How are they be active simular to active learner?
Be active is connected by these on the graduate profile.  When you learning you get tired and you would want to go out and play a small game of sport, go for a run or a walk, knowing what your next steps are for learning and staying fit, having a growth mindset, taking your pets for a walk when you get home, or maybe even walking to school. 

I think Take notice is connected to all of the Heading in the graduate profile, How are these all connected? They are connected by reflecting on your learning, Asking for someone to help you if you are stuck, Giving people help if they are having trouble Teaching someone how to do something, Taking notice if someone is being bullied, Understanding how my actions and effects can affect others. 

I think Keep learning is connected to All of the graduate profiles. How are these all connected? I have a growth mindset, I know what my next steps are, I am a curious learner, I ask questions, I am organized and I have everything I need for my learning. I complete my work in the time I am given, I keep trying. 

I think to give is connected to All of the graduate profiles. How are these all connected? I am on time and punctual, I am kind with my actions and words, I am an outstander, I choose to help others that have a difficult time, I give good feedback, I finish my work on time.

So the set of up of this was
First paragraph: I think Connect is similar to listening to understand other people’s opinions and ideas. Talking and listening are important for connecting with other people…Try to provide an example if you can. 
Second paragraph: Compare Be Active and a statement from your
Graduate Profile...
Third paragraph: Compare Take Notice and a statement from your graduate profile. 
Fourth paragraph: Compare Keep Learning and a statement from the graduate profile. 
Fifth paragraph: Compare Give and a statement from the Graduate Profile
In conclusion, our Graduate Profile is about learning and wellbeing…

Hope you enjoyed 
And again stay safe