
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Warming up - P.E

Hey guys! Today in P.E we have been working in our teams again for P.E

When have chosen a sport to teach the two classes our game and our game is bench ball. 
The rules to bench ball are:

1 - No running with the ball
2 - No knocking the ball out of other people’s arms
3 - If the person on the bench catches the ball then the person that throws the ball goes on the bench
4 -  one person on the bench to start with 
5 - whoever gets all the players on the bench wins 
6 - if you are the last person you can bounce  the ball once 

Two benches and a ball

We have also made a session plan we have to do a body warm-up and two drills are body warm-up is Lunges, Star jumps, Jogging up and down the court were playing on and our two drills/ games are piggy in the middle and sneak up on granny (How to play piggy in the middle  Piggy in the middle is a game where you are in a group of three and someone is in the middle and two people are on the other side. The goal of the person in the middle is to get the ball and when they get it they will swap places with whoever threw the ball. The goal of the people on the sides is to pass the ball.) This will help with passing, throwing and intercepting.  How to play sneak up on granny. sneak up on granny is a game where someone stands at one end of the gym and everyone else will stand at the other. The one student by their self will turn around at random times when that student turns around all other players must stop moving. The role for students that must stop is to move toward the solo student to touch them. The role of the solo student is to stop the other players from touching them. If the solo student sees the players moving they will say that they did and the spotted student will go back to the start. so we get used to stopping at random times because we can’t run or move with the ball at all or else the ball goes to the other team) 

Monday, August 26, 2019

(Japanese Self Introduction)

Hello, Minnasan Konnichiwa this week I have been working in Japanese class we
 have been working on translating English to Japanese.   
Here is my Japanese self-introduction, or jikoshokai tanoshinde! (please enjoy)

Thursday, August 22, 2019

New hurumanu P.E

Hello, welcome back today I will be telling you about our new hurumanu P.E

We have been doing fitness testing I think we do fitness testing to show where we are at in our fitness level. I have not been able to do any of this because I was away on Monday day one of the lessons and I have been injured on Thursday today anyways on Monday they did Vertical jump, Sit-up and reach, sit-ups and the grip test. Thursday today they did the beep test.

So we were also put into teams of nine or so on Monday they chose a team name the name is very different the team name is french fries.
We have also chosen three lines from the graduate profile we have chosen I can work successfully with others I understand how my actions and feelings can affect others and last but not least I can help someone how is in need of help. How do I show these: 

1 and 3) How do I work successfully with others and how do I help someone when they are struggling?
I can cheer them on when struggling 
2) How do my actions and feelings affect others?
The make them happy when I have cheered them on.
Image result for sit ups
Image result for beep test
Beep test
Image result for sit and reach
Sit up and reach
Image result for grip test
Grip test
Image result for Vertical jump

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Changing Our future- Hurumanu

Aim; To look at the different ways we can prevent climate change in the future.

Changing Our Future

Name 3 fossil fuels?

What is the cost?
Carbon dioxide

The CO2 level has soured since when?
Since the Industrial Revolution

What are the effects in the UK?

  1.   Heatwaves  
  2.  Animal extinction
  3.  Humans Driven from homes
How many climate refugees will there be in Britain by 2050?

200 million

When will Fairborn be flooded?
Next 26 years 

What are some of the other things that will be 'swallowed by the waves'?
  1. Gas plants 
  2. Power stations 
  3. Toxic dumps
How can we stop climate change?
  1. Remove gas heating 
  2. All bus or cars need to be run on hydrogen or batteries   
  3.    Fly less
  4.    Cut back on meats

What ideas are school children having about climate change?
  1.   It's important for Older kids  to vote    
  2. People should protest
  3. Write letters
What is the atmosphere called?

a Waste Dump.

What is the last statement the reporter made?

We know what we need to do, we have got the technology. What we lack is the

Political will.

What can we do?



What is the one, silver bullet solution?

What is the mix of things we need to start doing?

What are 3 others you can think of?

When will Fairborn be flooded?

What are some of the other things that will be 'swallowed by the waves'?
How can we stop climate change?
What ideas are school children having about climate change?

What is the atmosphere called?

a Waste Dump.

What is the last statement the reporter made?

We know what we need to do, we have got the technology. What we lack is the
political will.

What places will be affected?
All around the coast of New Zealand

What else do we need to think about?
Building house by the shore 

What other places around NZ will be affected?
Pacific oceans or low in Island 

What does this do to our drinking water?
Put salt in our drinking water

What are the main concerns?
flooding and Erosion

What can we do?

  1.  Eating less meat
  2.  Using less plastic/Recycling 
  3.   Walking more 

What is the one, silver bullet solution?
There is no one silver bullet

What is the mix of things we need to start doing?
  1. Using renewable energy 
  2. Use more solar energy 
  3. Use electrical transport 
What are 3 others you can think of?

My Investigation
Where does our food come from?

  • Choose your favourite food. 
  1. Upload a picture of it.
Image result for red apple
  1. Draw a picture of it on A4.    

  • Where does the food come from (e.g. is it from another province or country, was it purchased or made locally)? 
Central Asia

  • How many kilometres away did the food travel to get to you?
  • 33323

  • What are the main ingredients? 

  • How is the food packaged? 
not all ways packed 

  • What resources do you need to produce this food item (e.g. land, water, oil, food, etc.)? 
Land, water and sun seeds

  • Would this item have been processed? 
Not not really

  • Is there anything unique or significant about the food item (e.g. fair-trade, local)? 
People can get vitamins 

  • What else do you notice about this food that affects its climate friendliness? 
The core or the pel can be used to make biofuel
  • Do you think this food is climate-friendly (Circle)?       YES   NO 

  • Why? because it can make biofuel and it can help boost vitamins



Aim: To compare the amount of gas that is produced from different types of biomass.

  1. Bottle   
  2. Horse Manure 
  3.  Balloon 
  4.  Mashed Banana
  5.  Vegetable scraps 
  6.   Gloves 
  7.  Pencils
  8.  A cup 
Bottle one - Horse Manure
  1.   Remove the label from the bottle. 
  2.   Get your bottle and add in one cup of horse manure.
  3.   Then add fill it up with water.
  4.   The last step is to name your bottle horse manure
  5.   Put the balloon on the top   
Bottle two - Horse Manure - Mashed Banana
  1.  Remove the label from the bottle. 
  2.  Get your bottle and add in one cup of horse manure.
  3.  Add in one mashed banana 
  4.  Fill the rest up with water
  5.  Put the balloon on the top  
  6.  The last step is to name your bottle horse manure and mashed banana

    Bottle there - Horse Manure -  Vegetable Scraps

      1.  Remove the label from the bottle. 
      2.  Get your bottle and add in one cup of horse manure.
      3.  Add in one vegetable scraps
      4.  Fill the rest up with water
      5.  Put the balloon on the top  
      6.  The last step is to name your bottle horse manure and vegetable


      A picture of three bottles with balloons on top, containing cow manure with vegetable peelings or mashed banana.
Energy science project


      What is biomass?
      1. the total quantity or weight of organisms in a given area or volume.
      2. 2.
        organic matter used as a fuel, especially in a power station for the generation of electricity.

      What are the 5 types of biomass?

      1.  Wood
      2.  Garbage
      3.  Crops
      4.  landfill gas
      5.  alcohol fuels
      What are three benefits of biomass?
      1. Production of heat, steam, and electricity for residential, industrial and agricultural use.
      2. Biomass is always available and can be produced as a renewable resource.   
      3.    Redundant energy is stored during sunny days
      What are three disadvantages of biomass?
      1. Biomass is always and widely available as a renewable source of energy. ...
      2. It is carbon neutral. ...
      3. It reduces the overreliance of fossil fuels.
      Research the following types of Biomass.
      You will need to:
      Write a definition of each fuel.
      Answer each question
      • How is it made?
      • What is it used for? 
      • Where is it made? 
      • What is it made with? 
      • What countries use it?   
      Place 2 images of the fuel.
      What are its uses in the future?
      It is not all done just yet

      Biomass types.

      Name Agricultural crops.



      What are its uses in the future?

      Name Animal waste.



      What are its uses in the future?

      Name: Bio-gas and Landfill gas



      What are its uses in the future?

      Name: Solid waste



      What are its uses in the future?

      Name: Alcohol Fuel



      What are its uses in the future?

      Monday, August 12, 2019

      Art hurumanu

      In Art, we have been using stop motion and drawing in our hurumanu books we did research on some other artists.

      But before that, we got organised a mix of groups from the classes. We got a start on our storyboards. The next session we were working on what angels there are to name a few birds-eye views, worms-eye view, low view, Neutral view last but not less high view. After that, we looked at the different types of styles we can use for stop motion. Clay Mation, Whiteboard animation and using objects as characters on this topic we watched some videos. 

      I learned to use different sites that I didn’t know were there to use. That the people I worked with are fun to work with. Being able to work with different groups. I enjoyed making the charters because we got to make them just how we wanted. I found difficult is that the pens went missing halfway through the lesson.
      Here is the unfinished work:

      What is my next step... To get the work finished

      Thursday, August 8, 2019

      Math time

      So last week in Math we worked on Tenths  Hundredths Thousandths/ Place value
      This week  Haylee and I have made a DLO on this subject. We have made an I movie here it is:
      How Can I improve my work?
      1. I think I should post faster and earlyer in the week 
      2. I should make it more clear
      What I did well?
      1. My writing has improved 
      2. I worked fast-ish on my work