
Monday, August 8, 2016

nevaehs mihi

Fast we wrote  tena koutiou tena koutiou tena koutiou. We searched mount cook we had  to Find are favite phor of mount cook .  waimakarai  is a rive . we love gilbthorepe . my dad was andor sporman mum sowe andor  sopr wonin 

marsalis award

my sister marsali came third in the cross country
yay yay

nevaeh's fact family

how to make toast

                    First you get your bred Next you get your toaster and  put the bread in

                                      The toaster and pull the lever down  Then you wait  till  it pops up then
YOU NEED                                          
                                        You   pick it  up pot it on the table the pot the topping on it with a knife
topping                                          Then eat it up                                                                                                                      

Toast, Toaster, Food, White