
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

SL.J 2018 Day four Activitys One, Two week two

Summer Learning Journey
Hi Boys and Girls Today is the firsy day of week two of Summer Learning Journey here is what I have done Today:

Day one: Fabulous flora

Activity 1: Weaving a tall tale

like I Said hope you injoy.

Activity 2: Mighty Mangroves

hope you injoyed my blog post. blog you later.

Friday, December 21, 2018

SL.J 2018 Day five Activitys One, Two and Bouns

Summer Learning Journey
Hi Boys and Girls Today is the fiveth day of Summer Learning Journey here is what I have done Today:

DAY 5: Blink and you'll miss it.

Activity One: Towering Timbers.

  • LONGING LONGING it is very very bad for our invermint how will we get oxagon if we do not have trees we can not brethe fresh air or in this case no air.

  • My next reson is where will we have fun Adventures when we are at camps like camp good news
hope you injoyed reading my two resons why loging is soooooooooo bad for as.

Activity Two: Living on the edge.
for this activity I will not write the name but it is to my friend.
This is what I would write to a good friend when I am in Tundra

 Dear Good friend
For weeks it has been so cold it feels like -10000C and that is cold but it is really -240C.
I just saw a reindeer and Snowy Owl it was carm near me the reindeer
let me ride it that was fantastic you should try it sometime. ( Real me this did not happen so
if you are a daredevil do it but I would not.)   Tundra is kind of melting slowly but I am safe here
I am in my very warm tent I have to sleep with 50 plankits and 20 jackets and that is a lot.
What is the temp over there? I will be back in one more year see you soon ish.
Sincerely Nevaeh

Here is what my friend would reply to me.

Dear Nevaeh
Wow that is cold, it is 170C plus not to shore on that.
Did the reindeer really let you ride it that is amazing. No thank you I would not like
to go there but I would like to ride a reindeer that would be fun.
Was the Snowy Owl soft or did you not get to touch it.
Why does it have to be a year I miss you so much.
Ok write to me next time you have time to I hope that is soon.
Sincerely Good friend     


Thursday, December 20, 2018

SL.J 2018 Day four Activitys One, Two

Summer Learning Journey
Hi Boys and Girls Today is the forth day of Summer Learning Journey here is what I have done Today:

DAY 4: More that meets the eye
Activity One: Scaling New Heights


Activity Two:Pancakes and Maple Syrup?
Food food food well my fav food has to be..
It is Rice Risotto the Mushroom flaver
This is how you make it:
The first step is to buy it from the shop. We get it from pak'n'save (no this is not sponsed haha)
Next step is to bring it home.
Therd step is to desided if you want to cook it on the stove top or in the microwave it? We do it in the microwave so here is what you do in the microwave!
Fourth step is to all the sachets in a microwave safe bowl. Then you put a Tbsp of oil into to the powder.
Next step wow you are oing good. Microwave uncoverd on high of about 15 minitues stirr it every 7 minitues.
Then get it out of the microwave what three minitues then serve.

Thank you for reading my blog post I hope you injoy see you next time from Nevaeh Bye.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

SL.J 2018 Day Three Activitys One, Two

Summer Learning Journey
Hi Boys and Girls Today is the therd day of Summer Learning Journey here is what I have done Today:

DAY 3: Awesome Animals
Activity One fantastic Beasts
Here is what I image my fantastic beast would look like:
WOW I AM SILLY BUT CRATIVE AT THE SAME TIME like at her yes it is a girl.

Activity TWO the secretive skink

Well first of all here are my Pros:

it is not the best sorry about that I found a new tool to use so here you go.

here are the cons:

I would like to be a DOC ranger it would be fun but I am tinking of other things two. BYE SEE YOU TWOMORROW. BYE 

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

SL.J 2018 Day Two Activitys One, Two

Summer Learning Journey
Hi Boys and Girls Today is the Second day of Summer Learning Journey here is what I have done Today:

Day two Forest life

Activity 1: Giants Among Us

I would like to go to Tāne Mahuta because well see for your self:

I looks so fantastic, Here is a link to where I got the info

Day two Forest life

Activity 2: Fabulous Ferns

1. New Zealand netball team

Image result for netball silver ferns uniforms

2. Black frens the women rugby 

Image result for Black ferns the women rugby uniforms
3. white frens the wemen cricket team

Image result for white ferns the women cricket team uniforms

My favoritle one has to be the netball one even thought do not wear dress I like that style of dress bye thanks for reading BYE!

Monday, December 17, 2018

Year 6 Dinner

Hello boys and girls last week we went to little sisters to have our 2018 year 6 dinner.
The food was really good I recamend it to you. I had buns and komara chips.
here are some good looking photos there are more photos of my friends phone but we can not get them today :(
here they are:
thank you for reading my blog post bye 

SL.J 2018 Day One Activity One, Two and bonus.

Summer Learning Journey
Hi Boys and Girls Today is the first day of Summer Learning Journey here is what I have done Today:
here are some fun facts on New Zeland Here is where I got the facts 
Activity One, Day one the legends of New Zealand
1. The biggest City in New Zeland is  Auckland but our capatol is Wellington that is because the primister works there and the bee hive (it is not a real bee hive).

2. New Zealanders really like cars with 2.5 million cars for 4 million people making them one of the countries to have the highest car ownership rate in the world. Wow

3. Dairy farmers produce a whopping 100 kg of butter and 65kg of cheese each year for each person living in New Zealand. They are very hard workers.

Activity Two Day one North and South
My hometown
What is special about my hometown well here is a hole slide why my home town is so special to me:

here is the link I got one of the photos from 
 Hope you injoy the slide

Bonus activity Day one Ice, Ice Baby
Here is my postive online foot print

Thank you for reading my SL.J for today BYE.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The time has come

Afternoon Boys and girls today is a sad post well not aswell sad as happy here are my Highlights my lowlights and my headlights.

Highlights: My highlights are going to camp, being with friends.

Lowlights: My Lowlights are Having to leave most of my friends.

Headlights: My Headlights are learn learn learn
Related image
learn learn learn
Image result for crying person gif

Monday, December 3, 2018

Market Day 2018

             Whakamanawa Dollar Day Market
It was on Friday 23 November 2018
Everything was a dollar we got over
thousand dollars.
here is a slide of what we sold.

Here are some photos:
Look how full it is in here.
This is one of the things we sold
Look how cute they look
Books books books
Hope you injoyed this blog post
blog you later